Sunday, April 9, 2017

15 - Writing a brief essay

Writing a brief essay

The three essay types proposed in the exam are narrative, descriptive or argumentative.
·         The narrative essay is one telling a story, so it should use clear vocabulary and predominantly the simple past tense.
·         The descriptive essay should contain vivid creative use of vocabulary.
·         The argumentative essay must always contain two sides to an argument, a development of both with a clear decisive conclusion.
Even a brief essay requires careful planning and organisation. The essential stages are:
1... Picking out the key words in the essay title.
2... Brainstorming your ideas.
3... Selecting the main ideas into a brief essay plan with:
·         an introduction a sentence or brief paragraph introducing the topic of the essay and referring to the title;
·         developing ideas two/three paragraphs to develop the topic or give opposing views in an argumentative essay;
·         a conclusion a sentence or brief paragraph containing your final idea, view or conclusion often beginning with ‘Finally’ or ‘In conclusion’.
4... Writing a rough version of your essay following your plan.
5... Reading carefully over your rough version looking in particular at:
·         grammar accuracy and spelling;
·         varied and interesting use of vocabulary (especially in a descriptive essay);
·         organisation whether there is a clear introduction, development and conclusion;
·         checking the number of words.
6... Writing out your final version. The clarity of your writing and the logical organisation of your ideas are two essential elements in writing a good essay in English.

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